Saturday, February 16, 2008

Summer Movies and the Mango

The trailer for the new Indiana Jones Film came out the other day. I have gone form being blase about this film, to giggling in school boy anticipation. This summer should be a good time for those of us who enjoy BIG movies. We get, the New Indy, Batman WITH THE JOKER!!!!, The Incredible Hulk and other films that look interesting like Hellboy II (Say what you want, but Guillermo del Toro can make anything interesting, check out Pan's Labyrinth). All in all, a promising summer film line up. Most years we just get Big and Dumb. Not that any of these films are introspective works by any means, but, previous instalments, and key players have a proven track record.

While on lunch break at Estrogen Inc. The other day, me and two of the few other males that inhabit tme building were eating Lunch in a cubicle. We don't dare gio into the Lunch room as that is scarier than High School ever was. In discussing the upcoming slate with 2 fellow film geeks, I came to the realization that after Indy, the Mango will be here before the release date of The Dark Knight. Uh-oh.

Now, in no way does this mean that I am not giddy with anticipation to meet the little Mango. But, over the past years so much of my entertainment has been films. And, CG is also always more than happy to accompany me. I realized that now, we will need a sitter for nights like those and it will require planning and accommodation. I like going to see Big movies on opening weekends, just as much as I enjoy watching DVD's at home, but, a new BATMAN film (in my books) needs to be seen on the big screen. I saw Begins at least 3 times in the theatres. Hey, anyone who knows me knows I'm a geek. Anyway, I know that I will be able to get out to see the movie in the theatres. My co-workers recommended a “Sick” day. Of course... I could always use his opportunity to introduce the little Mango to Batman... (Kidding of course) But that does get me to the point of this post. It will be fun to share my love of movies with the Mango in the years that come. I look forward to introducing the little one (at the appropriate ages of course!!) to the Indiana Jones Films, Star Wars, E.T. and Superhero films. In the past when I have shared films that I love with my sisters' kids I enjoy seeing their excitement in the discovery. I remember the way that I felt watching them for the first time.

Now if only the Mango was old enough for Batman this year.

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