Saturday, March 8, 2008

The All-in-one Family

I was struck by a thought recently.

I have come to the realization that right now, at this time, my whole family comes in one convenient package, with Mango residing in CG's belly. This will only last a bit longer, after which, moving my family around WILL require much more effort on my part, as CG is doing most (OK, ALL) of the work on that front. Nonetheless, a portable all-in-one family unit is a nice thing to have for nine months.

Monday, March 3, 2008

By request...

his post is a request for CG. So here you go Kiddo...

Baby brains.

Most mothers I know talk about the condition known as Baby Brains, whereupon pregnancy makes one prone to bouts of forgetfulness.

CG had her first REAL instance of “Baby Brains” on Sunday, while pursuing the time honoured tradition of weekend pancake making. It must be said that CG is so good at making pancakes, that she could do them blindfolded and they would still be awesome. Little Mango is in for a treat when CG whips up his/her first pancake breakfast.... after the teeth come in of course because it is hard to get pancakes into a baby bottle. But, I digress.

So there is CG making pancakes while I am in my office (soon to be Mango lair) reading the news. From below me in the Kitchen I began to hear CG laugh. I hardly paid attention to laughter wafting in from different rooms, because, when you live with CG you get used to hearing spontaneous laughter. Apparently she had mixed up the batch and was already cooking them before she realized she had forgotten to add eggs. Now, I am nowhere near the pancake aficionado that CG is, but, I DO know that eggs are a key ingredient, so needless to say this was not the batch we ate that morning. She described them as “kinda like weird flat muffins”. Don't know about you, but that actually sounds good to me.

So there you are. The first real “CG described“ instance of “Baby Brains”.