Thursday, February 14, 2008

The “Bat-Catcher”

Today was our appointment with the OB-GYN. We were referred by CG's family doctor who has been her physician since she was born. He was adamant that this should be our doctor as she also delivered his Grandchildren and he says that she is the best at what she does. The only thing was that she would not be available until this month so as it happens, our first meeting for with her was later than it would have normally been, so the Family doc filled in. She seems awesome so I am glad we waited.

“I have been calling her the Bat catcher”. I think this is funny and CG does as well. Some people think its insensitive, but, i just imagine her at the “Magic” moment crouched down and looking in waiting for the “Pitch”. I wonder if I'll be able to see the signals.....

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