Monday, February 18, 2008

This wonderful image came courtesy of a Friend of CG's known as “Jammies”. It was sent as a birthday card for CG. I think its hilarious!!

Of the many things I find interesting is the Mango Known as “R2 E2”. At first I thought that this was a Star Wars in-joke. After some research though, it turns out this is an Australian variety so named for the orchard row where it originally was grown. Mango just seems like an even more appropriate nick-name now.

So whaddya think CG? Since we are still kicking names around could add R2 E2 to the list. Its a Mango, or it could be R2 D2's little brother! What's not to like!!!!!
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Jammies said...

I really hope your Mango isn't a Brooks Late! ;)

Canuck Girl said...

me too

jp said...

ya know... there are some other interesting names there. Just listen to how "Manzanillo" rolls off the tongue!

Jammies said...

Common Harder Mango, now there's a name!