Saturday, January 12, 2008

What's with the name??

Since my wife and I are expecting our first child in June of this year, I thought it would be fun to keep a journal of our experiences and maybe even have something to show our child later in life.

So, the obvious question… What’s with the title?

I have a pet peeve when it comes to unborn babies. I HATE it when people refer to babies as “IT”. It sounds so cold and impersonal. So I have been searching for other names to call the child. I experimented with “peanut”, “ the zygote”, just “the baby” among others but nothing really stuck. Then about 2 weeks ago, my wife, CG, mentioned that at 20 weeks the baby is the size of a Mango… Hmmm… Mango you say?? Well it has kind of stuck. Of course, I try to keep my naming scheme to people in the know. Being out in public, pointing at my wife’s belly and saying Mango will probably get me a few stares and perhaps a trip in the nice white van, wearing a nice white jacket. But then, the people that know me think that is imminent anyway.

I fear that even after the baby is born, if things keep going this way Mango will now remain a nickname. If that is the case, I apologise unreservedly.

So that is how a blog by a guy who’s wife is expecting their first kid came to be called “Waiting for the Mango”.

The cast of characters;

Mango – See above
CG – my wife. Incubator of the mango
JP – Narrator/Blogger

I hope that this blog ends up being an honest, no nonsense and, hopefully, fun look into our day to day. With any luck, I’ll be able to steer clear of this being a daytime talk show style schmaltz fest about having a kid. Yes it’s a Miracle. Yes it’s the greatest love… but if you wane hear about that stuff watch Oprah. I’m here to have some fun and document things from the dad’s perspective.

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