Saturday, January 12, 2008

Is my Mango a boy?

CG has her second ultrasound scheduled for one week from now. This brings us to yet another of the interesting decisions we need to make. Do we want to know the sex of the child? There are some family members (not pointing any fingers DAD!!) who want to leave it as a “surprise”. There are some who want us to find out so that they can purchase the appropriately coloured clothes.

Now, CG and I both tend to like to think of ourselves as rational people, who like to think things through. I work as a Planner, so for me, looking ahead and coming up with solutions is just my day to day. Knowing the sex of the child in advance would help us to figure out names, and that kind of stuff. I’m not too concerned about the colours, however, if we have a boy, there is NO WAY I want my son is wearing pink! Call it old fashioned, sexist, narrow minded or whatever you will. I don’t care.

For her part, CG just doesn’t do “waiting” very well, especially around Christmas when the sight of wrapped presents sends her into fits of anticipation. What’s funny is that her excitement comes from keeping the secret of the gifts she is giving. She doesn’t keep secrets very well at all. So, if CG learns the sex than everyone will. CG is leaning towards finding the sex, and I guess I am as well.

In the end, we will find out anyway, but I think we are both just a bit too curious to leave it until after the labour, when the person taking the pictures knows.

In other news, I am listening to Serena Ryder. Came highly recommended from a former co-worker. I like.

1 comment:

Murphy Jacobs said...

The interesting thing is pink only became a 'female' color in the last 100 years or so. Red was the color of masculinity since some time in the 1100's or before, and dyes being what they are, red clothing eventually became pink clothing, but it was still all macho because it was still a red color.

Just like high heels and purses (also originally for men) once a woman touches something, the men get all ooked out and scared ;)

(I am SO going to ride you about this, bud. You have NO IDEA.)