Monday, January 28, 2008

Oh the Power of the Mango!

I have come to realize that having a Baby Ultrasound in your cubicle at work is a GREAT way to break tension.

Most of the people I work with are female, I guess that is the nature of Clothing / Home wares retailing. Since last year I have been proudly displaying the grainy ultrasound shots of the little mango in my Cubicle. Its nice to walk in and see the shots every time I return to my desk, and it makes me happy, if somewhat distracted sometimes. Over the past weeks, I've begun to notice that the little Mango has the strangest effect on visitors. It would seem that no-one can remain in a bad mood once they notice the picture. Even in the midst of the most serious of conversations, it seems that he mango has the ability to melt hearts and make just about everyone smile. (with the exception of the “Ice Queen” who seems to turn her nose up at the mention anything remotely human, so I'm not offended)

If I had realized this while still at my previous employer (heretofore known as “Hell Ltd”), I would have faked having a kid. Yeah, I know that in nine months I would have to fake being a dad, but, I could always just start the ruse over!

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